SPRING OUTFIT 2020 | Baya Frantz


Hello There!

Long time no see, but that is about to change. I hope you all are doing well and being safe. Due to the current events, I decided to come back here and take your mind off of negative things for a little bit and help you focus on yourself.

It's been a while since I posted a new article. So much has changed and I have so much to share with you guys, but before we jump into it all, let's start with baby steps - outfit video!

I fell in love with colors and you won't be able to see me in black, brown or something dark. I love when things are ecstatically pleasing, that to me means:

1. Shoes and handbag HAVE to match
2. Maximum of three colors
3. The right size

I am so glad to be back here. I miss you all very much. If you'd like me to make a video about life in America, then please let me know in the comments.

See you soon!

Zdravim moji mili ctenari,

Dlouho jsme se nevideli, ale to ted zmeni. Doufam, ze se mate vsichni dobre a jste zdravi.  Diky nejnovejsim udalostem ve svete jsem se rozhodla, ze je opet cas se vratit na muj blog. 
Rada bych, aby vam muj blog pomohl se nachvilku soustredit na to pekne v zivote a soustredit se na sebe samu.
Uz dlouho jsem nic nenapsala a spoustu se toho v mem zivote zmenilo a moc rada, bych se o to vse s vami podelila, ale nez se k tomu vsemu dostaneme, zacneme trochu z lehka - videem s outfitem.
Posledni dobu miluju vsechny barvy a je skoro nemozne me videt v cerne, hnede nebo jinych tmavych barvach. Miluju kdyz se veci k sobe hodi a vypadaji pekne na pohled. Snazim se soustredit aby:

1. Boty vzdycky ladily s barvou kabelky
2. Kombinovat maximalne 3 barvy
3. Nosit spravnou velikost

Jsem stastna, ze jsem opet zpatky. Vy i psani na blog mi obrovsky chybelo. Pokud byste chteli, abych natocila video o zivote v Americe, dejte mi vedet dolu do komentaru. 

Zatim se mejte krasne! 

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